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Until the end of 2020, the total number of loans agreements accomplished within the framework of co-financing projects with other development institutions were 431 loans agreements from the total signed loans agreements - which totalled SR. 37537.69 million, representing 54.33% of the total amounts of the signed loans agreements, as illustrated in the following:

Cumulative Co-financing


SFD Partners

Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development

Abu Dhabi Fund for Development

Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development

Iraqi Fund for External Development

Japan Bank for International Cooperation

Fonds d’Aide et de Cooperation, FAC (France)

Fonds Pour Industrialisation des Pays en Development (Denmark)

African Development Fund

Regional Development Fund for the Economic Union of the West African Countries

OPEC fund for International Development

European Investment Fund

International Monetary Fund

International Fund for Agricultural Development

Overseas Development Administration (British Agency)

Canadian International Development Agency

Swedish International Development Agency

United States Agency for International Development

Societe Pour L’Expansion des Exportations, SEE (Canada)

International Development Association

Caisse Centrale de la Cooperation Economique, CCCE (France)

Kreditanstalt fÜr Wiederaufbau, KFW (Germany)

Italian Credit Bank

Yugoslav Bank for International Economic Cooperation

African Development Bank

Islamic Development Bank

Asian Development Bank

Caribbean Development Bank

Inter - American Development Bank

West African Development Bank

Banque de Développement des Etats de L’Afrique Centrale (BDEAC)

Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB)

European Fund for Development

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa

Commonwealth Development Corporation

Millennium Challenge Corporation

Swiss Development Corporation

European Economic Community

United Nations Development Programme

World Food Program

The Export-Import Bank of China