How many projects has the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) supported in different regions?
Established in 1974 by Royal Decree, the SFD has supported over 800 developmental projects and programs in more than 100 countries, spanning across Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe. Our development projects and programs, valued at more $20 Billion, have touched the lives of hundreds of millions of beneficiaries over 5 decades.
Does the SFD focus on any sector?
The SFD has financed a wide range of development projects and programs across key sectors including social infrastructure (which encompasses healthcare, education and water and sewage, and housing and urban development), as well as transportation and communication (roads, railways, seaports and airports,) agriculture and energy, industry and mining, and others. More than 30% of the overall funding has been allocated to social infrastructure projects such as the building an expanding of hospitals and schools and improving water sanitation systems across the world to combat drought and other pressing challenges.
Does the SFD focus on any region?
The SFD aims to fund development projects and programs in regions and countries with the greatest and most pressing needs globally. Since its inception in 1974, SFD has funded 800 developmental projects around the world, Approximately 60% of the SFD developmental support is in Africa (47 countries), and approximately 35% is in Asia and the Pacific (34 countries). Since the 70s, the SFD has also be supporting Small Island Developing States (17), which are particularly vulnerable to climate change and external shocks due to their size and location
How does the SFD select what projects to finance?
The SFD evaluates projects and programs by looking at the overall developmental impact on countries, including economic, social and environmental outcomes. All development projects must also meet sustainability criteria to ensure that they help generations of beneficiaries. They must also align with global sustainable development goals and directions. In addition to these factors, the SFD also considers the potential for cross-sectoral synergies and multiplier effects when prioritizing its funding allocations. This involves identifying opportunities where financing in one sector can catalyse positive outcomes in other sectors, thereby amplifying the overall development impact.
How does the SFD collaborate with other international development organizations?
Since its inception, the SFD has actively collaborated with international development organizations and financial institutions to amplify its reach and effectiveness. To date, the SFD have collaborated with close to 50 organizations to co-finance development projects globally. Its partners include UNICEF, UNOPS, UNHCR, FAO, African Development Bank, USAID, JICA, UNDP, Asian Development Bank, The World Bank, FCDO, AFD, ACG, and more. The SFD has been a member of the Arab Coordination Group since its inception in 1975. Together with its partners, the Arab Coordination Group has coordinated development finance response to nearly 170 countries, and allocated funding for more than 12,000 projects, with a value of more than $286 billion. The SFD has also made significant contributions through South-South and Triangular cooperation.